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Frequently asked questions

Why do some of my unscripted API calls not return an EPS score, and why do some not even return a transcript?

To have results with metrics make sure that the audio length exceeds 20 seconds.

The pronunciation level is mapped to a US/UK native and that is not the goal of our product.

We adhere to global standards (CEFT, IELTS, TOEFL), where we don't penalize individuals for speaking in their native accent but rather focus on speech clarity. While there may be slight variations for users with thicker accents, the differences typically remain within the same band.

In the unscripted API, why do the grammar and vocabulary metrics not return a result?

These metrics have a minimum threshold. If you want to obtain results for grammar and vocabulary metrics in the unscripted API despite this minimum threshold, simply add the flag -F force_grammar_vocab=True. However, it's important to note that these results may not be as accurate as those that meet the minimum threshold.

How is the Overall score calculated?

The Overall score is derived from a combination of five metrics: pronunciation, intonation, fluency, grammar, and vocabulary. In instances where vocabulary or grammar scores aren't provided due to short recordings, we can still generate an Overall score based on the other available metrics.

How is the pronunciation score calculated?

The pronunciation score is determined by the accuracy of your English sound pronunciation in each recognized word within your recording. The number and severity of highlighted mispronunciations contribute to the pronunciation score.

How is the fluency score calculated?

The fluency score is a combination of your performance in pace, pausing, and hesitations. Maintaining a consistent pace, pausing naturally, and minimizing filler words and repetitions contribute to achieving a high fluency score.