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Single-word/sentence assessment usage

Single-word/single-file assessment for a single file (batch) mode. The developer sever/app sends a TCP call to the ELSA server with all information necessary for the assessment to take place. The Elsa server performs the process synchronously and sends a result back, in the the same call when it is ready. To perform an assessment on a word or sentence the developer need to provide:

  • word/sentence expected to be found in the audio
  • Audio to be analyzed
  • API token provided by ELSA
Header Parameters
    Authorization: Elsa string required
Request Body

Audio data can be processed in 3 different ways:

  • audio_file: @<local_audio_file_path> → (note the ‘@’ for multipart upload of a binary file) allows to send a local audio file
  • audio_path: <remote_audio_path_url> → points to a URL path to an audio file available online. Make sure the audio file is accessible.
  • audio_data: <base64_data_string> → audio data sent as a string, encoded in base64
    sentence string required
    audio_file binary required

    Possible values: Value must match regular expression @<local_audio_file_path>;<remote_audio_path_url> ;<base64_data_string>



    api_version string
    total_time number
    utterance object[]
  • Array [
  • initial_silence boolean
    sentence string
    sentence_id integer
    total_time number
    attempt_type string
    snr number
    decision string
    ipa string
    intonation_score number
    fluency_score integer
    speed_metrics object
    words_per_minute number
    syllables_per_minute number
    phones_per_minute number
    articulated_words_per_minute number
    articulated_syllables_per_minute number
    articulated_phones_per_minute number
    pronunciation_rate_metrics object
    correct_words_per_minute number
    correct_syllables_per_minute number
    correct_phones_per_minute number
    correct_words_ratio number
    correct_syllables_ratio number
    correct_phones_ratio number
    pausing_metrics object
    pause_ratio number
    pause_ratio_without_initial_sil number
    pausing_score_percentage integer
    advanced_metrics_confidence string
    ielts_score number
    cefr_score string
    toefl_score integer
    toeic_score integer
    pte_score integer
    pronunciation_score number
    pronunciation_score_partial number
    eps_score number
    recording_quality string
    words object[]
  • Array [
  • start_index integer
    end_index integer
    start_time number
    end_time number
    trans_arpabet string
    decoded boolean
    ipa string
    nativeness_score integer
    decision string
    word string
    text string
    phonemes object[]
  • Array [
  • start_index integer
    end_index integer
    text string
    trans_arpabet string
    start_time number
    end_time integernumber
    decision string
    nativeness_score integer
    phoneme_error string
    phoneme_error_arpabet string
    ipa string
  • ]
  • word_stress object[]
  • Array [
  • start_index integer
    end_index integer
    decision string
    stress_level_measured string
  • ]
  • ]
  • ]
  • success boolean